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commit 4034539a101a93339800cd04ebc6b64231402f21
parent f7392e82f221b041c135fe2bac77ac269f2999bd
Author: ugrnm <>
Date:   Fri Jan 31 20:39:06 +0100

Merge branch 'master' of agnesbaxter:/var/www/
transmediale-2020-7-theses/assets/fediverse-floss.dia | 0
transmediale-2020-7-theses/assets/fediverse-floss.svg | 90+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
transmediale-2020-7-theses/index.html | 477+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
3 files changed, 437 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)
diff --git a/transmediale-2020-7-theses/assets/fediverse-floss.dia b/transmediale-2020-7-theses/assets/fediverse-floss.dia
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/transmediale-2020-7-theses/assets/fediverse-floss.svg b/transmediale-2020-7-theses/assets/fediverse-floss.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
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diff --git a/transmediale-2020-7-theses/index.html b/transmediale-2020-7-theses/index.html
@@ -328,191 +328,188 @@ Ultimately, how to deal with a concept such as openness in this context?
 ## Fediverse as an ongoing critique of openness?
-openness, universality, and the free circulation of information have been central narratives for promoting technological progress
+class: words, center, middle
-.faded[# THESIS 2
-## Fediverse as an ongoing critique of openness?]
-## Openness & Universality
+# Openness & Universality
-also for the promotion of  the growth of the internet and the web
+openness, universality, and the unrestricted circulation of information have been central narratives for promoting 
+technological progress, the internet and the web
+class: words, center, middle
-## core values of the Web,
+# Openness & Universality
 At the same time these are also the core liberal values that underpinned the F/LOSS movement
-## and F/LOSS,
 and by extension also how social media has been said to be democratizing
-## and how social media has been promoted..
+class: words, center, middle
+# more interconnection & growth
+more inclusion
+more free speech
+class: words, center, middle
-## how social media has been promoted..]
+# more interconnection & growth
-## more interconnection & growth
+more information
+more knowledge
-## = more inclusion
+class: words, center, middle
-## = more free speech
+# more democracy / profit
-## = more information
+In response to the practices of commercial social media the response from floss communities was to create an alternative
-## = more knowledge
+class: words, center, middle
+# Yes to liberal assumptions,
-## = more democracy / profit
+# no to commercial exploitation
-Universality and openness are also the core liberal values that have underpinned the FLOSS and open source but also been how social media has been sold. Liberal belief that more interconnection leads to more inclusion leads to more free speech, lead to more info leads to more participation.
+As a consequence early fediverse software tried to to recover the liberal values 
+but get rid of the commercial exploitation
-## Early fediverse software response to social media
+class: words, center, middle
+# Yes to liberal assumptions, 
-## Yes: liberal values No: commercial exploitation
+# no to commercial exploitation
-early fediverse software tried to recover the liberal values 
+in effect assuming that maximum interconnection, universality and growth would be beneficial.
-but get rid of the commercial exploitation
+this worked for floss adjacent crowds but maybe only for those
-in effect assuming that maximum interconnection universality and growth would be beneficial.
+class: words, center, middle
-## This works for F/LOSS adjacent crowds
+# Mastodon 
-?? but maybe only for floss adjacent crowds
+by 2017 through the mastodon project more diverse communities joined the fediverse, including queer and gaming communities  
-# ~ 2017 Mastodon 
+class: words, center, middle
+# Gamergate
-with the mastodon project more diverse communities joined the fediverse, including queer and gaming communities  
+these communities, with on-line harassment and things like Gamergate in mind challenged the liberal assumptions underlying federation
-## more diverse communities
+class: words, center, middle
-these diverser communities, with harassment and things like Gamergate in mind started challenging the assumption those previous liberal assumptions
+# Gamergate
-## challenge those liberal underpinnings
+they did so by introducing critiques and practices of queer and feminst thinking
-they brought with them critiques and practices of queer and feminst theories 
+class: words, center, middle
+# if *anyone* can join, 
-## if *anyone* can join, not *everyone* is welcome
+# not *everyone* is welcome
-including queer communities ideas of safe space, nature of speech, consent
+This included concepts of safe spaces, consent and nuanced understandings of speech and of course prior experiences of on-line harassment
-## introduction of *defederating* 
+class: words, center, middle
-## leads to accusations of 'breaking the federation'
+# *defederating* 
-## supposedly endangering the network
+as these communities helped build mastodon they advocated options to selectively shut out parts of the network that where harmful for them through server blocks or defederation
-## since then has fediverse grown rapidly
+class: words, center, middle
+# 'breaking the federation'
-## challenging the openness
+the Mastodon project as a consequence got heavily criticized for breaking the federation
-## allows more communities to join that space
+since limiting connections would also limit the supposedly productive exchange of opinions they would risk the success of the entire network
-## on their own terms
+class: words, center, middle
+# or 'growing the federation?'
-## setting their own boundaries
+HOWEVER instead the has fediverse grown significantly since then
-## now fediverse is home to communities with completely incompatible ideologies
+challenging the assumptions of universality and maximum interconnections allowed more communities to join that space on their own terms by setting their own boundaries
-What is unique about the Fediverse is this both technical and cultural acknowledgement
-that openness has its limits, and is itself open to wide-ranging interpretations dependent
-on context, which are not fixed in time.
+class: words, center, middle
+# or 'growing the federation?'
-through the communities came ideas like safe space, what is public, should you expose everything, and defederating became a thing
+now fediverse is home to a wide range of different communities some with completely incompatible ideologies
-universel openess became a question of who should be talking to who
+class: words, center, middle
-because of that fediverse could grow from a network of a few thousands FLOSS nerds to something much larger because. Selective exclusion allowed communities to define themselves and guard themselves and consequently the network fits more communities because they can exclude each other. setting exclusive boundaries allows more to join on their own terms. 
+# the limits of openness
+What is unique about the Fediverse is this both technical and cultural acknowledgement that openness has its limits, and is itself open to wide-ranging interpretations dependent
+on context, which are not fixed in time.
@@ -604,6 +601,7 @@ class: words, center, middle
 # Federated politics
 Instead of reaching a state of agonistic pluralism, it could be that the
 Fediverse would at best create a form of bastard agonism where instances would form large agonistic-without-agonism aggregations only amongst both ideologically and technically compatible communities and software, with only a minority of them being able and willing to bridge between with radically opposed systems.
@@ -612,55 +610,170 @@ Regardless of how this will be evolving, if the Fediverse is telling us anything
-## Fediverse as a shift from a technical to a social understanding of privacy?
+## Fediverse as a shift from a technical
+## to a social understanding of privacy?
+One of the effects of the agonism or antagonism described is that we see a shift from a very technical to a more social understanding of privacy in the field of foss
-.faded[# THESIS 4
-## Fediverse as a shift from a technical to a social understanding of privacy?]
+class: words, center, middle
-encryption, peer2peer,
+# threat = 
+# government & 
+# corporate surveillance
-So one of the effects of the above could be that we see a shift from a very technical to a more social understanding of privacy in the field of foss
+Historically debates around the risks of social media have been focused on privacy and surveillance. 
-Historically debates around the risks of social media have been focused on privacy and surveillance. Especially after snowden in 2013. This gave rise to many predominantly technical solutions such as the preliferation of specialised apps for encrypted chat and mail.
-Many of these specialised tools tried ot address issues of surveillance at the network level, either by governments or large corporations. Consequently these tools have favoured a P2P model, e2e encryption where the trust is always in the code and never in people. These approaches consequently require considerable technical knowledge from users. Essentially these approaches picture individuals in full command of their communicatoins. 
+class: words, center, middle
+# threat = 
+# government & 
+# corporate surveillance
-on the fedi however there is an emphasis on responsibility around the instance, the community you belong to.
+Especially after snowden revelations in 2013. Many F/LOSS projects tried address issues of surveillance at the network level, either by governments or large corporations.
+class: words, center, middle
+# solution = 
+# strong encryption & p2p
-But also on fediverse shift of threat model, not NSA anymore but the threat is the context of social interaction online,
+That gave rise to many predominantly technical solutions for privacy.
-these question are brought up particularly by marginalised communities that joined the fediverse as they sought safer spaces than CSM
+An example the proliferation of specialised apps for encrypted chat and mail.
+class: words, center, middle
+# solution = 
+# strong encryption & p2p
+So these tools have over anything else favoured the peer-to-peer model and strong encryption. Trust is always in the code and never in people. 
+class: words, center, middle
+# approach = 
+# individualistic 
+These approaches consequently require considerable technical knowledge from users. Essentially these approaches picture individuals in full command of their communications. 
+class: words, center, middle
+# threat = 
+# on-line conversations & 
+# others on the network 
+On the fediverse one the other hand a different threat model is prioritized. It is no longer the NSA but rather on-line social interaction itself that threatens safety.
+class: words, center, middle
+# solution = 
+# community moderation tools 
+Consequently there has been a great emphasis on forming of communities rallying around servers. 
+class: words, center, middle
+# solution = 
+# community moderation tools 
+Moderating speech, limiting exposure to unwanted content, blocking out other communities became prioritized features
+class: words, center, middle
+# approach = 
+# collective 
+Federation does allow collective approaches to privacy.
+class: words, center, middle
-## "Much of the modern rhetoric around [...] privacy tools is focused on state surveillance. Queer communities often wish to hide things from some of their family and friends, while also being able to share parts of their life with others.. [...] aspects of queer lives underserved by the modern privacy community."]
+## "Much of the modern rhetoric around [...] privacy tools is focused on state surveillance. Queer communities often wish to hide things from some of their family and friends, while also being able to share parts of their life with others [...] aspects of queer lives underserved by the modern privacy community."]
-bring up the idea of queer privacy.
+these question where brought up particularly by marginalised communities that joined the fediverse as they sought safer spaces than CSM
+class: words, center, middle
+# social understandings of privacy
 So we witness the large scale trying out of a model which is not about trusting the technology as much as trusting the community.
-This obviously has its limitations and potential pitfalls but allowed a large group to try first hand what an alternative could be like and consequently negotiate how it should work, also on the technical level. 
+class: words, center, middle
+# different understandings of privacy
+This obviously has its limitations and potential pitfalls. 
-This is a yet again a third way, that is neither the model of privacy where
-technically inclined individuals are in full command of their own
-communications, nor it is the model in which the multitude believes they have
-'nothing to hide' simply because they have no say and no control over the
-systems they depend on. In effect, what the move to a social understanding of
-privacy has shown, is that the Fediverse is now a working laboratory in which
-questions of social organisation and governance can not be artificially
-decoupled from software any more.
+While for some federation brings the woes of decentralization with none of the benefits of centralization.
+class: words, center, middle
+# different understandings of privacy
+At the same time it allowed a large group to try first hand what an alternative could be like. 
+And consequently negotiate how it should work, both socially and increasingly also technically. 
+class: words, center, middle
+#  different understandings of privacy
 To be sure the fediverse has not solved this, these are hard questions, but at least there is both a context and awareness for this to be researched and implemented further.
@@ -730,39 +843,143 @@ So yeah, it's complicated, but at least notbody is pretending otherwise, and the
 ## Fediverse as the rise of a new kind of usership?
-One particular way to understand the Fediverse is as a collective name for a set of practices, expectations and demands of social media software where different efforts to produce alternatives converge into a shared network with roughly aligned goals. 
+class: words, center, middle
+# 'The Fediverse'
+One particular way to understand the Fediverse is as a collective name for a set of practices, expectations and demands of social media software.
+class: words, center, middle
+# 'The Fediverse'
+One where different efforts to produce alternatives converge into a shared network with roughly aligned goals.
 This is particularly tangible when one considers how usership gets negotiated and renegotiated in the fediverse.
-Historically, the first software users, or let's say users of computational devices, were also their programmers, and the ones providing the tools and
-documentation for others to also contribute actively to the development and usage of these systems.
+class: words, center, middle
+# User as programmer
+Historically, the first software users, or let's say users of computational devices, were also their programmers.
+class: words, center, middle
+# User as customer
 This model has been eroded throughout the decades to the situation where usership has became limited to questions of customisation and feedback on product development.
+class: words, center, middle
+# User as data source
 And even further with the model of usership as a source of revenue for a third party.
-On the other hand, on the fedi users do not only engage in bug reporting, or help with the creation of the products’ culture, but also become actively engaged in scrutinizing the code, debating its effects and sometimes contributing code back.
+class: words, center, middle
+# User as contributor
+Users on commercial social media have some ways to participate in the shaping of the platforms they use, 
+class: words, center, middle
+# User as contributor
+Fedi users howevers do not only engage in bug reporting, or help with the creation of the products’ culture, but also become actively engaged in scrutinizing the code, debating its effects and sometimes contributing code back.
+class: words, center, middle
+# User as community host
+Extending this they use these tools to set up instances with their communities, write their own Codes of Conduct and come up with fitting Terms of Services. While not all suggestions get taken into the mainline code
+class: words, center, middle
+# Non-perfect user
+At the same time, there is a different approach in some Fediverse software projects where a move has been made from a situation where software is written for an ideal user is able to change the program to suit their needs.
+class: words, center, middle
+# Non-perfect user
+To a situation where there is a discussion between programmers and non-programmers to understand what usership means and what should be good defaults for everyone.
+class: words, center, middle
+# Learning user
+To be sure, many of the practices of usership seen on the fediverse are neither new or unique to the Fediverse. 
+For instance, the way service facilitators are supported on the Fediverse is very analogous to the way content creators on streaming platforms in gaming communities are supported by their audience.
+class: words, center, middle
+# Learning user
-Extending this they use this tools to set up their own instances, write their own Codes of Conduct and come up with Terms of Services
-They also setup instance, write CoC, come with ToS
+Calls for and the development of better governance of software projects have also been happening more generally in FLOSS communities.
+Likewise, many of the moderation and community management practices seen in the Fediverse have been informed by experiences on other platforms. 
+class: words, center, middle
+# Learning user
-At the same time, there is a different approach in some Fediverse software project where a move has been made from a situation where the ideal user is able to change the program to suit their needs to a situation where there is a discussion between programmers and non-programmers to understand what usership means and what should be good defaults for everyone.
+Users have drawn inspiration from the successes and failures of others tools and systems and brought them over to the Fediverse. What is noteworthy is how increasingly the synthesis and coordination of all these practices become visible in the Fediverse.  
-To be sure, these developments are neither new or unique to the Fediverse. For instance, the way service facilitators are supported on the Fediverse is very
-analogous to the way content creators on streaming platforms in gaming communities are supported by their audience. Calls for and the development of
-better governance of software projects have also been happening more generally in FLOSS communities.
+In turn, issues and approaches articulated in the Fediverse set a precedent for other FLOSS projects, encouraging transformations and discussions that were until now limited and difficult to initiate.
-Likewise, many of the moderation and community management practices seen in the Fediverse have been informed by experiences on other platforms. Users have
-drawn inspiration from the successes and failures of others tools and systems and brought them over to the Fediverse. What is noteworthy is how increasingly
-the synthesis and coordination of all these practices become visible in the Fediverse.  In turn, issues and approaches articulated in the Fediverse set a
-precedent for other FLOSS projects, encouraging transformations and discussions
-that were until now limited and difficult to initiate.
+class: words, center, middle
+# User as ?
+It is obviously not the case that the entirety of the Fediverse operates along these lines, as the space is shared between servers with widely distinct models of usership. 
+class: words, center, middle
+# User as ?
+These range from venture capital backed alt-right platforms, to
+Japanese image-board like systems, anarcho-communist collectives, safe spaces for sex workers, live coding algoravers, gardening forums, personal blogs and data self-hosting cooperatives. 
+class: words, center, middle
+# User as ?
-It is obviously not the case that the entirety of the Fediverse operates along
-these lines, as the space is shared between servers with widely distinct models of
-usership. These range from venture capital backed alt-right platforms, to
-Japanese image-board like systems, anarcho-communist collectives, safe spaces for sex workers, live coding algoravers, gardening forums, personal blogs and data self-hosting cooperatives. The developments
-described above do, however, hint at the fact that there are many different models of usership yet to be discovered and tried and that the Fediverse is a
-productive environment for these to be tried. 
+The developments described above do, however, hint at the fact that there are many different models of usership yet to be discovered and tried and that the Fediverse is a productive environment for this to happen. 
@@ -790,7 +1007,7 @@ class: words, center, middle
 # Liberal foundation
-They also both agree that the foundational liberal drive at the base of these ethical and economic perspectives should not be challenged or questionned.
+They also both agree that the foundational liberal drive at the base of these ethical and economic perspectives should not be challenged or questioned.
 class: words, center, middle