
various LURK related presentations
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commit 92dbd0feb51296aa8ce81af8b9fa1fe158494638
parent 5199d2fb3e7ca52fa15cd7027b146df38d64a79f
Author: ugrnm <>
Date:   Tue Jan 28 13:31:16 +0100

summaries for most theses + intro
transmediale-2020-7-theses/index.html | 142+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
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diff --git a/transmediale-2020-7-theses/index.html b/transmediale-2020-7-theses/index.html
@@ -49,7 +49,30 @@ class: bottom, middle
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 # Introduction
+Crisis of social media being discussed but not enough disucssion on what other people are doing concretly, massive gap
+surplus of critique, not a lack of critique on social media,
+question of responsibility
+classic social media critique
+lots of talk about decolonization, queering this or that
+So this presentation/research should not be seen as yet another critique of social media but a way to give pointers, it's a beginning of an investigation on a very concrete model.
+- what is alternative social media
+- what is online federation
+- what are the kind of services avail (microblog, blog, video, events)
+- server = instance = community ?
+- example of diversity of type of community/companies
+- impact on the way these community are regulated
+  (moving from centralised service, to reddit style dependance, to experimentation self governance with the deisgn of own TOS, CoC, etc)
+Consequence: you do not join Mastodon, you join the Fediverse
@@ -67,59 +90,164 @@ blablabla
 ## Fediverse as transition from meme wars to network wars?
+TM needs a talk about memes
+what else can be added to dicussion
+Social media platforms have taken the democratisation of meme production and their circulation to a scale unseen before.
+They achieved this by creating a situation that favours the circulation of memetic material to keep their users hooked, and if you do that for more than a decade, thanks to the wonder of software mediation, obsession with metrics, and competition, you end up with everything having to be a meme to have any chance at being naticeable in these environments.
+But there's something that was completely unforseen, and that was how memes became more than either strategically engineered vessels to plant ideas, more than wishful tools of political manipulation, or isolated funny viral things to share with friends you don't know. 
+Instead they became a language, a slang, a collection of signs and symbols through which cultural and subcultural identity could materialise. The circulation of these in turn have strengthened various political discourses.
+This is a growing concern for social media platforms, well actually it's a bit of a panic, because the situation has gone completely out of control.
+Social media platforms have became Petri dishes for all sorts of opinions and beliefs circulating out of control, and no amount of AI or precarious traumatised human moderators will help them dismantle or control these communities.
 ## Fediverse as an ongoing critique of openness?
+established way of thinking about the web as the open web (universality, access, interconnection)
+all federation software that came up from this were in line with this, maxixum integration
+through the communities came ideas like safe space, what is public, should you expose everything, and defederating became a thing
+universel openess became a question of who should be talking to who
+because of that fediverse could grow from a network of a few thousands FLOSS nerds to something much larger because it fits more communities because they can exclude each other
 ## Fediverse as a site for online agonistic pluralism?
+fedi exists as locally defined communities that can talk to each other, but also define itself in relation to the other not just through its own memetic language but alos through difference.
+Could relate/provide a case of agonism
+define agnomism
+the question of political consensus reflected in the design of protocols and clients
+politics more explicit than implicit
+neutrality is difficult
+can agonism overcome antagonism?
+explain instance blocking, explain gab,
+this tension is visible in the way instance blocking is dealt with
+leading to situation where Fedi could instead become a very fragmented antagonistic environment of people forging alliances with specific other instances/communities, a sort of pillarisation of social media
 ## Fediverse as a shift from a technical to a social understanding of privacy?
+Historically these efforts have always been around liberating code
+hard tools around encryption, limited the scope of it
+also required considerable knowledge from users
+Traditionally tech scene has favoured P2P model of decentralisation where you need to trust the code and be responsible for your peer connection, on the fedi however there is an emphasis on responsibility around the instance, the community you belong to.
+But also on fediverse shift of threat model, not NSA anymore but the threat is the context of social interaction,
+these question are brought up by marginalised communities, bring up the idea of queer privacy.
+This is a yet again a third way, that is neither the model of privacy where
+technically inclined individuals are in full command of their own
+communications, nor it is the model in which the multitude believes they have
+'nothing to hide' simply because they have no say and no control over the
+systems they depend on. In effect, what the move to a social understanding of
+privacy has shown, is that the Fediverse is now a working laboratory in which
+questions of social organisation and governance can not be artificially
+decoupled from software any more.
+To be sure the fediverse has not solved this, these are hard questions, but at least there is both a context and awareness for this to be researched and implemented further.
 ## Fediverse as a way out of data sharecropping and free labour?
+As everyone here is well aware of, corporate social media platforms with their focus on self-gratifying metrics and gamification are infamous for taking free labour to the next level. Whatever information is fed into the system, will be used to directly or indirectly create models, reports, and essentially new datasets that have core economic value for the platform owners: enter the world of surveillance capitalism.
+While on commercial social media this discussion is impossible to be have, discussion about who has acces to what you post, how it is stored, how it circulates are quite transparent on the fediverse:
+- at the level of the protocol design
+- design of the clients
+- issue trackers
+- user behaviour with pseudonimity and multiple accounts/identities becoming very popular again
+Fediverse is exemplary of what Robert Gehl sees as one of the characteristics of alternative social media platforms, that both the network and code have a pedagogical function,
+It does not mean it's easy,
+Fediverse does not make programming easier, it does not prevent scraping of publicly posted information, its subcultural model of instance linked to specific communities can even make some minorities or activists more easily exposed.
+But all this awareness and participation does not pay the bills or help prevent admin burnout and server/software maintenance fatiguqe within communities.
+typical FLOSS exploitation is going (dev, maintenance, documentation) worked through donations models, there is also a renaissance of coop models. And very importantly, the question of public funding in relation to public domain software or FLOSS needs to be revided.
+Once again 
+widespread understanding this is an issue, and points to the fact that more research needs to made to understand how you define labour in these communities and if economic models outside of surveillance capitalism can exist to support non-exploitative solidarity and care across the whole stack.
 ## Fediverse as the rise of a new kind of usership?
+Historically, the first software users, or let's say users of computational
+devices, were also their programmers, and the ones providing the tools and
+documentation for others to also contribute actively to the development and
+usage of these systems.
+This model has been eroded throughout the decades to the situation where usership has became limited to questions of customisation and feedback on product development.
+And even further with the model of usership as a source of revenue for a third party.
 ## Fediverse as the end of Free/Libre and Open Source Software as we know it?
+## Fediverse as a means to provide escape plan for centralised commercial social media?
+threat or opportunity to the classic model of social graph
+Twitter being maybe one step ahead for future regulations
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 # Uffff....