
LURK www landing page
git clone https://git.lurk.org/repos/www.lurk.org.git
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commit 3db3a9872bb4432f0c49487b353482b2b351e5f8
parent e1a3fd17a1cb2084c5dad72d32002d3c349ee3ee
Author: ugrnm <ultrageranium@bleu255.com>
Date:   Fri Jan 14 16:28:31 +0100

TOS update
TOS.txt | 48++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/TOS.txt b/TOS.txt
@@ -15,22 +15,33 @@
 LURK is used by several communities coming from a variety of cultural, ethnic
 and professional backgrounds. We strive for LURK to be welcoming to people of
 these various backgrounds and provide a non-toxic and harassment-free
-environment. To that extent we’re in the process of writing a Code of Conduct,
-Terms of Services and Privacy Statement, and have moderators on different
+environment. This document is our iterative 3-in-1 Code of Conduct, Terms of
+Services and Privacy Statement.
+By using LURK services you agree to the following:
-For now, by using LURK services you agree to the following:
 * Be respectful towards others. This means that we will not tolerate
   homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist and sexist slurs and content, even
-  if intended as a joke, or as an ironic remark. Users who violate this rule
-  may get warned once, or banned right away from using our services if their
-  action were clearly ill-intended.
+  if intended as a joke, or as an ironic remark. That also includes demeaning,
+  belittling or otherwise verbally intimidating communication. In short, any
+  attitudes that may promote the oppression and/or exclusion of historically
+  marginalized groups will not be accepted. Users who violate this rule may get
+  warned once, or banned right away from using our services if their action
+  were clearly ill-intended.
+* We talk to and with people rather than about people and/or groups. That means
+  no subtoots, unwelcome, or otherwise toxic comments regarding a person’s
+  lifestyle choices and practices, antagonizing and incendiary generalizations,
+  flaming or edgy remarks at the expense of someone or another community. We
+  understand and appreciate that for some, social media has became a place to
+  vent and dump their frustrations. While we welcome sarcasm, critique and the
+  need to seek support and alliances while expressing defeating feelings, our
+  services, as well as its local and remote users, are not meant to be your
+  personal punching ball. There is however a place for everything, and the
+  place for that is Twitter. Users who violate this rule will get warned once,
+  and then banned from using our services.
 * Absolutely no harassment, stalking or disclosure of others’ personal details
   (doxing). Users which violate this rule will be unconditionally banned.
@@ -51,17 +62,26 @@ For now, by using LURK services you agree to the following:
 * Media containing sexualized depictions of children (including lolicon) are
   not allowed. Users who violate this rule will be unconditionally banned.
 If you have trouble with a local or remote user, on any of LURK services,
 violating these rules, contact the relevant admin and moderators of the
-service. Do not hesitate to reach out to the moderators.
+service. Do not hesitate to reach out to the moderators, and do not feel feel
+like you're being a nuisance when you do, on the contrary!
+By using our services you agree that a minimal amount of information about your
+connection (IP address) will be kept for debugging and maintenance purposes.
+You are welcome to use a VPN or Tor to connect to our services though. We do
+not actively store or archive this information beyond the default rotation time
+of the software we use. We welcome suggestions and practical information to
+limit data retention to a minimum! Contact us if you have good experience with
+that. Some of our services use cookies for remembering settings and
+preferences. We don't track our users, nor do we use analytical software
+(third-party or self-hosted).
+                                ///